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Information Sessions, Stipend, and Deadline

Sign up below to receive zoom links for info sessions and applicant workshops, and updated information for applicants: 




















Stipend: Senior fellows and scholars receive a monetary stipend of $1000 and Junior Fellows receive $650 to fund planned project activities.


Deadline: Applications for our 2025-2026 Cohort are now open and due Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 11:59pm.


Applicant Workshops

Students are encouraged to attend workshops held by staff that goes in depth about the application process, tips, and tricks. Attending an applicant workshop is a pre-requisite to scheduling a one-on-one meeting with ASF staff members to specifically go over your project idea and get advice. Here is the Zoom link and information for all workshops:

Meeting ID: 286 022 3397
Passcode: 2Cn7MV


The following are dates and times (CST) for application workshops:


Wednesday, November 6th: 7-8 PM 
Thursday, November 21st: 7-8 PM 
Thursday, December 5th: 6-7 
Wednesday, December 11th: 6-7 PM 
Thursday January 9th: 6-7 PM 
Wednesday, January 15th: 5-6 PM 


Remaining Information & Tabling Sessions

​*Students are welcome to join sessions with other schools if they are not able to attend an info session with their respective school.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


UTHealth School of Dentistry

  • Wednesday, January 8 @ 12pm

  • In-person Location: School of Dentistry Room 4322

  • Join virtually here

    • Meeting ID: 843 9985 4973

    • Passcode: 975948


Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

  • Wednesday, January 8 @ 5pm

  • Join virtually here

    • Meeting ID: 841 2571 7999

    • Passcode: 533589



​Students enrolled in graduate or professional degree-granting programs in our listed consortium schools may apply. While the applicant’s field of study does not have to be traditionally health-related, their proposed service project must focus on health and/or the social determinants of health. Past Fellows have addressed health from a wide variety of perspectives and disciplines including, but not limited to, dentistry, education, engineering, law, medicine, music, nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physical therapy, public health, and social work. Applicants must be enrolled throughout the Fellowship year.  Applicants scheduled for a December graduation should contact the Executive Director to determine if they are eligible for a waiver to this requirement.


Applicants should apply to their relevant Fellow levels:

  • Junior Fellows can be any student who is a junior or senior at an accredited local university. 

  • Senior Fellows can be any student in any graduate level program at a local university. 

  • Scholars can be any medical resident or medical fellow based in the Houston region. â€‹


***A note to applicants from Dallas***

Since the Dallas ASF chapter closed in 2023, ASFHG staff has been working to bring Dallas universities into our Consortium of Schools. Currently, Dallas-based schools in our Consortium are only Texas Woman's University, UTHealth School of Public Health – Dallas campus, the College of Public Health at the University of North Texas Health Science Center, and the College of Osteopathic Medicine at the University of North Texas Health Science Center. If you are interested in applying, we kindly request that you speak with a faculty member at your school to connect us with someone at the dean level—typically a dean of student activities or student life. Our financial model is predicated on some support from our Consortium Schools, so we cannot make exceptions at this time.

Prior to Applying

Before starting an application:


  • Please check if your school is on our list of Consortium Schools. If you do not see your exact school on the list, please email Carol Jacob at  

  • Next please look at the tracks that a proposed project could fit. If your program idea does not directly fit into one of these areas, you may select Open Track on the application. We encourage you to reach out to our Program Director Carol Jacob with questions you might have about how to categorize your project at

  • If you are interested in continuing a legacy project, or just want to talk to a current fellow, please see our "Current Fellow Projects" page. This information has been updated on 09/01/23.

  • Please remember that projects can be done solo or as a pair. ASF will not be accepting groups of 3 or more.

  • We are unable to accept applications from former Fellows who have previously completed a year in ASF as Junior or Senior Fellows. 

  • If your project is new to ASF,  but is already underway, this Fellowship may not be the right fit.
    We are looking to support projects that are in the early stages of development and in need of our guidance to get started. Our our focus is on initiatives that are just beginning and can greatly benefit from our support during their formative phase. This does not apply to Legacy projects that are planning to expand. 

Prospective Fellows should be prepared to partner with a local community agency and design a community service project that seeks to provide direct service to an underserved population.


The project should:


  • Provide a direct service that meets a community-defined need and reflects national and local health priorities.

  • Focus on addressing health and/or the social determinants of health in the population served.

  • Be of an enduring value to the community/agency served.  The project proposal should include a brief discussion about sustainability of the project at the end of the Fellowship year.


Prospective applicants should:


  • Investigate and reflect on unmet local health-related needs, and think through the ways in which their own energies and talents might contribute, even in small ways, to mitigating one or more of these problems.

  • Communicate with potential community partners prior to submitting their applications and to be specific in their proposals about their relationships with their community partners. Applicants are welcome to partner with any agency of their choosing and are encouraged to look at project sites that have expressed a high interest in working with a fellow next year. 

  • Identify one or more potential academic mentors at their schools and a site mentor at the agencies where they propose to conduct their projects. All applicants must share this introduction document with their potential mentors.

  • Be creative in developing their proposal. They may choose to develop a totally unique project in keeping with Dr. Schweitzer’s directive that everyone should find their own Lambaréné–their own special place to serve, and way of serving.   Alternatively, applicants may find inspiration by reviewing current and past fellows’ projects and our partner agencies

  • Keep in mind that they may utilize their unique experience and expertise to expand upon or improve a past Schweitzer project, but should not simply duplicate or continue one that has been carried out previously. 

  • Contact the Program Director at if they would like to request assistance in identifying a project and/or a project site.


Research, fundraising, and policy-based projects are typically not considered eligible for a Schweitzer Fellowship. 

Required Program Activities

Orientation Retreat: Fellows must attend a full day ASFHG orientation retreat in Galveston which will take place on a Saturday, April 12, 2025 as well as a one hour online National ASF orientation with their fellow Fellows around the country. 


Service Project: Working in collaboration with a local community agency, each Fellow must design and carry out a service project of at least 200 hours (100 hours for Junior Fellows) that addresses an unmet community health need. Each Fellow will work under the supervision of a Site Mentor from the participating agency and an Academic Mentor of the student’s choice from the student’s current academic institution  The Executive Director and Fellowship staff are available to provide support and guidance throughout the Fellowship year.  Monthly meetings are not part of the required 200 hours. At least 100 of the 200 hours must be spent in direct, face-to-face contact with the population being served. (The exception to this is a "Capacity Building Project" which is described below.) These direct service hours do not include administrative duties or research. In designing a project, applicants should carefully consider the issues of evaluation and sustainability and include their ideas for addressing these aspects of the project.


Special Note About Capacity Building Projects:

Capacity-building is defined as a project that seeks to advance a system of care to better meet the needs of the clients. These projects often have more contact with the staff of an organization, and as such, hours that a Fellow spends implementing the project can allow for up to 80 hours of the “direct service” to be in working with the system representatives (e.g., agency staff and other health and human service collaborators). However, this means that at least 20 hours still need to be in contact with the population being served in order to ensure that their needs and perspectives are addressed. Fellows should work with their Public Health Mentor to ensure that the project focuses on implementing an intervention rather than just providing research; i.e., Fellows may need additional guidance to distinguish between planning hours and service hours.

Examples of these kinds of projects:

  • Helping a clinic better serve the mental health needs of a community

  • Teaching medical students about issues to keep in mind when caring for disabled individuals


Reports: Fellows are required to submit monthly reports about their activities and a comprehensive written final report to their Public Health Mentor, Academic Mentor, and Site Mentor. All Fellows will also be asked to create a poster which they will present at the Evening of Difference in April of their Fellowship year.


Evaluation of the Fellowship: Fellows are required to complete a pre- and post- survey for the Fellowship as well as additional program evaluations that will occur throughout the year to gauge satisfaction with all Fellowship programming. 


Communication: All Fellows receive an email every Monday called the Round Up.  These emails contain all the information Fellows need for that week including upcoming deadlines, information about monthly meetings, news from the Fellowship, and continuing educational opportunities.  Fellows are expected to read this and take any action steps that are needed.  It is the expectation that Fellows return all emails that are related to the Fellowship within 48 hours. This includes emails to mentors, ED or other staff or stakeholders of the Fellowship.  Fellows are also asked to give at least a 48 hour notice if they will miss any monthly meeting or schedule group activity or special event. 


Monthly Meetings: Fellows are required to attend all monthly meetings. Monthly meetings provide the Fellows with leadership development, skills-based workshops, interdisciplinary discussions, reflection time on community service, and an opportunity to network with like-minded students and professionals from diverse fields.  As long as COVID conditions allow, all Houston-based Fellows are expected to attend these in-person on the UTHealth campus. Fellows based in College Station, Prairie View and Galveston are asked to attend at a location on their campus where they can zoom in together.  


Recruitment: In the fall of each year, Fellows work with the Program Director to organize information sessions about the Schweitzer Fellows Program and present information at their schools about their Fellowship experiences.


Evening of Difference and Celebration of Service: Fellows are required to attend the Evening of Difference in the spring of the Fellowship year to celebrate the end of the year of service, and they are invited to attend our annual fundraiser, the Celebration of Service Luncheon, where we award our Humanitarian of the Year.


Special Opportunities: The Executive Director may call on Fellows to accompany her to important stakeholder meetings and media appearances.   These are incredible opportunities to meet with funders, leadership of agencies and professional schools, or other key stakeholders.  In the past, Fellows have met with university presidents, appeared on Great Day Houston, been interviewed for articles in print journalism, and had their projects filmed for promotional videos. 


The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship is

dedicated to training the next generation

of professionals to serve and empower vulnerable people to build healthier communities and live healthier lives.


6431 Fannin St, JJL 450
Houston, TX 77030

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Website designed by Jack and Kyra Link.

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