2021-22 Fellow Projects
All of these projects can be expanded by new Fellow applicants. If you see a project you are interested in taking over, please contact one of the Fellows listed. Legacy projects (those that are at least in their second year of existence) are marked with an asterisk.
Baylor College of Medicine
*Moms to Moms
Ariana Olvera (BCM), Brenna Briles (BCM) and Olivia Watson (UTHealth)
Ben Taub Hospital / Harris Health System
Working to provide education and community resources to pregnant women to improve the health of their newborns.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact ariana.olvera@bcm.edu, brenna.briles@bcm.edu or olivia.watson@uth.tmc.edu
*The Pride Coalition at the Covenant House Texas
Muktha Nair and Nat Moss
Covenant House Texas
Developing community resources for LBGTQIA+ individuals to promote overall wellness
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact natalie.moss@bcm.edu or muktha.nair@bcm.edu
Block the Blaze
Shangyi Fu
John Wayne Cancer Foundation
Establishing a melanoma awareness program for middle and high school students
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact shangyi.fu@bcm.edu
Prairie View A&M University
Preparation for Adult Living at the Hay Center
James Jones (PVAMU) and Samira Ibrahim (TSU)
The HAY Center
Bridging the gaps for low-income youth in the foster system to improve success after graduation through access to resources for higher education and employment opportunities
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact jjones376@student.pvamu.edu or s.ibrahim6740@student.tsu.edu
Sexual Health Program at Montrose Grace Place
Daniela Ruiz
Montrose Grace Place
Establishing programming at Montrose Grace Place to improve the sexual health of participating 13–25-year-olds by establishing a project that will allow the individuals to become comfortable when talking about sex
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact druiz8@student.pvamu.edu
The Healing Power of Music
Jamahsis Hodge
Angela House
Using music as a tool for self-expression and healing in a community of women exiting the criminal justice system
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact jamahsishodge@ymail.com
Texas A&M University
Students for Period Equity
Maria Roque
Furr High School and Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Series (T.E.J.A.S.)
Establishing a peer education program for young people who menstruate including a period education curriculum
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact mariatroque@tamu.edu
Vaccine Equity for Black Residents of Brazos County
Jacquita N. Johnson
Brazos County Health District
Developing a health equity framework to apply to vaccine equity among Black residents
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact johnsonjn@tamu.edu
2021 Project Unity
Jonathan Thomas and Serena Joseph
Project Unity
Addressing social determinants of health affect the population living with HIV to improve health outcomes
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact jonathan.thomas4208@tamu.edu or serenajoseph26@tamu.edu
University of Houston
Live Plants for Meals on Wheels Participants
Tanner Raab
Northwest Assistance Ministries & Meals on Wheels
Increasing the sense of purpose, establish a healthy routine, and expose Meals on Wheels participants to a new hobby by delivering live plants to homebound senior citizens
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact tanner.g.raab@tcu.edu
Sexual Violence Prevention & Education (SVPE) Peer Education
Laura Reid
University of Houston Wellness
Providing training and workshops to reduce the prevalence and frequency of sexual violence on campus and beyond
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact laura.reid.2020@gmail.com
The Women's Wellness Program
Kala Pham
New Hope Housing
Providing targeted programming and resources to recently homeless women to improve their health behavior
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact phamkala@gmail.com
Addressing Human Trafficking in Houston
Faith Huynh (UH), Debora Kim (UTHealth) and Kalia Pannell (UTHealth)
The Landing
Teaching a series of health classes to sex trafficking survivors as a part of their training to become Community Health Workers
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact fhuynh16@gmail.com, debora.k.kim@uth.tmc.edu, or kalia.pannell@uth.tmc.edu
Women’s Mental and Physical Wellness Program
Saba Yazdi
Olive Branch Muslim Family Services
Supporting immigrant and refugee women’s mental and physical wellness as well as integration into social systems in the local community
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact sabayazdi@gmail.com
*Bead WELL
Blake Christensen
New Hope Housing
Expanding the beading class project to a new location providing more residents an opportunity to alleviate stress while expressing their creativity and improving focus and dexterity
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact blchris2@central.uh.edu
Operation Fusion: Blending Culture and Health
Olivia Tran and Rani Nune
Amaanah Refugee Services
Empowering refugee/immigrant adolescents to harmonize U.S. and home country cultures when setting personal health goals
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact oliviautran@gmail.com or raninune12@gmail.com
Texas Southern University
Preparation for Adult Living at the Hay Center
Samira Ibrahim (TSU) and James Jones (PVAMU)
The Hay Center
Bridging the gaps for low-income youth in the foster system to improve success after graduation through access to resources for higher education and employment opportunities
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact s.ibrahim6740@student.tsu.edu or jjones376@student.pvamu.edu
Vaccine Awareness, Access, and Acceptance Training Initiative
Tolulope Adebusuyi
East Harris County Empowerment Council
Implementing a Vaccine Awareness, Access, and Acceptance Training Initiative for Black and Hispanic residents in the area
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact t.adebusuyi2102@student.tsu.edu
The University of Texas Health Science Center
Addressing Human Trafficking in Houston
Debora Kim (UTHealth), Kalia Pannell (UTHealth), and Faith Huynh (UH)
The Landing
Teaching a series of health classes to sex trafficking survivors as a part of their training to become Community Health Workers
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact debora.k.kim@uth.tmc.edu, kalia.pannell@uth.tmc.edu, or fhuynh16@gmail.com
*Moms to Moms
Olivia Watson (UTHealth), Ariana Olvera (BCM), and Brenna Briles (BCM)
Ben Taub Hospital / Harris Health System
Work with pregnant women to address key issues and community resources to improve the health of their newborns
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact olivia.watson@uth.tmc.edu ariana.olvera@bcm.edu, or brenna.briles@bcm.edu
Oral Health Program at PAIR Houston
Andrea Pajarillo and Elvira Nworah
Partnership for the Advancement and Immersion of Refugees (PAIR) Houston
Improving the oral health of youth in refugee families through workshops about oral hygiene, accessing dentists, and other dental topics
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact andrea.o.pajarillo@uth.tmc.edu or elvira.nworah.1@uth.tmc.edu
Jeff Jin
YES Prep North Central Elementary
Providing a foundation for psychosocial health and academic literacy in low-SES and heavily bilingual/immigrant populations through a 1-on-1 reading curriculum
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact jeff.w.jin@uth.tmc.edu
Music Therapy at Treemont Retirement Community
Sung-Hoon Park
Treemont Retirement Community
Addressing social isolation for residents of long-term assisted living homes
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact sung-hoon.park@uth.tmc.edu
*Connecting Seniors to Care
Carlos Tovar and Luciano Posada
Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston
Enhancing the health and reducing caregiver burden of the daily routine of older adults with the use of a virtual assistant device
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact carlos.e.tovar@uth.tmc.edu or luciano.posada@uth.tmc.edu
COVID-19 Disaster Outreach in Hard-To-Reach Immigrant and Refugee Communities in Gulfton and Southwest Houston
Andrea Augustine
Culture of Health- Advancing Together (CHAT)
Increasing equity in health communication, data collection, and reporting in underserved immigrant and refugee communities of Southwest Houston, specifically Gulfton
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact Andrea.Augustine@uth.tmc.edu
Low Vision Support Group
Grace Kuang
Dan Arnold Center for Low Vision and Vision Rehabilitation
Creating a support group for patients with visual impairment and caregivers
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact grace.kuang@uth.tmc.edu
*Let's Talk About It
Carol Jacob
New Hope Housing
Sustaining a mentorship program for adolescents at risk for homelessness that builds awareness and confronts the underlying social and psychological circumstances that affect sexual health
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact carol.jacob@uth.tmc.edu
Health Programming at New Hope Housing
Rachel Obimah
New Hope Housing
Empowering individuals who are at risk for homelessness to gain coping mechanisms to deal with stress, break unhealthy habits, develop a deeper understanding about health
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact rachel.n.obimah@uth.tmc.edu
*Oral Hygiene Intervention for Spinal Cord Injury and Stroke Patients
Ann Seelbach and Sydney Pham
TIRR Memorial Hermann
Continuing the Fellowship project to provide oral hygiene instruction (OHI) and hygiene tool modifications for stroke and acute spinal cord injury patients to improve wellness and promote independence
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact ann.seelbach@uth.tmc.edu or sydney.e.pham@uth.tmc.edu
Art Stories!
Maria Vigil-Mallette and Matthew Usevitch
Culture of Health- Advancing Together (CHAT)
Implementing an art therapy curriculum to promote healthy behaviors as well as explore topics that empower emotional resiliency
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact mvigil@bcm.edu or matthew.usevitch@bcm.edu
Addressing Loneliness among Nursing Home Residents
Sreelekha Paladugu
Holly Hall Retirement Community and St. Dominic Village
Addressing loneliness among nursing home residents by pairing them with medical student volunteers for conversation, friendship, and support
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact sreelekha.paladugu@uth.tmc.edu
The University of Texas Medical Branch
Increasing Mammogram Screening Rates among Homeless Women
Pooja Agrawal
Luke Society Free Clinic
Increasing mammogram screening rates among homeless women
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact poagrawa@utmb.edu
Exercise Classes at St. Vincent's Clinic
Vivian Rojas and Ayeesha Mohammed
St. Vincent’s Clinic
Conducting exercise classes at St. Vincent’s Student Clinic
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact vnrojas@utmb.edu or acmohamm@utmb.edu
Galveston Street Rounds
Mario A. Zuniga Palma and Dakota Rodgers
Galveston Central Church
Addressing homeless health in Galveston, Texas by establishing an outreach Street Medicine Street Rounds program for those experiencing homelessness
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact marzunig@utmb.edu or darodger@utmb.edu
Connect at UTMB
Sheina Duncan and Matthan Moy
Galveston ISD
Creating a partnership between UTMB and Galveston ISD through a STEM mentorship program to teach the students through interactive, fun workshops and inspire them to dream big
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact shduncan@utmb.edu or mamoy@utmb.edu
Food Farmacy
Christine Crumbley
St. Vincent’s Clinic
Developing a Food Farmacy model to address food insecurity in chronic heart failure patients
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact cacrumbl@utmb.edu
*Comprehensive Congestive Heart Failure Clinic
Frederick Ditmars and Grayson Jackson
St. Vincent’s Clinic
Creating and implementing a comprehensive congestive heart failure clinic, preventative program
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact frditmar@utmb.edu or grrjacks@utmb.edu
Community Refrigerated Food Program in Galveston
Nicole Michael
Site pending
Establishing a community refrigerator in Galveston to be stocked and supported by the community
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact nnmichae@utmb.edu
*Heart Failure Discharge Transition Program
Ariana Gilani and Jenna Reisler
St. Vincent’s Clinic
Establishing a Comprehensive Heart Failure Discharge Transition Program at the St. Vincent’s Clinic
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact arianagilani@gmail.com or jdreisle@utmb.edu