2022-23 Fellow Projects
Most of these projects can be expanded by new Fellow applicants. Legacy projects (those that are at least in their second year of existence) are marked with an asterisk.
Children and Adolescent Health

Edom Kidane and Grace Brooks
Prairie View A&M University
Sisters Building Sisters
Community Site: YES Prep Public Schools
Site Mentor: Kelsey Yarbrough; Academic Mentor: Dr. Gloria Regisford
Edom and Grace are initiating a supportive, community-oriented sisterhood that caters to the underserved community of young girls of color with a focus on mental health, self-esteem, and healthy relationships for the students with guest speakers, group-based mentoring, and resources on higher education.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact kidaneedom4@gmail.com or graceevebrooks7@gmail.com.
Emily Koch and Mia Putnam
Texas A&M University
Plant to Plate
Community Site: Still Creek Ranch
Site Mentor: Chante’ Smith; Academic Mentor: Dr. Patrick Tarwater
Putnam and Koch are addressing a lack of knowledge around nutrition for youth who experience crisis situations by creating a safe space to take charge of their health through a community garden, lessons about planting, caring for, and harvesting produce, and cooking classes that utilize the produce from the gardens.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact emilykoch127@gmail.com or miaputnam03@tamu.edu.
Dr. Michael Petrus-Jones
Texas Children's Hospital (Scholar)
Healthy Headspace
Community Site: Montrose Grace Place
Site Mentor: Courtney Sellars; Academic Mentor: Dr. Julieana Nichols
Dr. Petrus-Jones is addressing LGBTQ+ mental health in Harris County by establishing a mental health curriculum for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults served by Montrose Grace Place through educational and interactive sessions. Ultimately, the program will aim not only to foster positive attitudes and behaviors related to mental health, but also to build self-efficacy, confidence, and community among LGBTQ+ youth and young adults served by Montrose Grace Place.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact michael.petrus-jones@bcm.edu.
Chris Soudah and Christopher Thang
UTMB John Sealy School of Medicine
*Connect at UTMB
Community Site: Galveston Independent School District
Site Mentor: Dr. Vivian Hernandez; Academic Mentor: Dr. Premal Patel
Connect at UTMB, led by Chris and Christopher, is a mentorship and tutoring program for socioeconomically disadvantaged GISD elementary and middle school students -- and is the LARGEST community outreach organization at UTMB. Their mission is to inspire and empower the next generation of leaders interpersonally and academically by way of exploring STEM fields, while creating an opportunity for interdisciplinary UTMB student professionals to connect with the Galveston community.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact the most recent Fellow(s) to lead this project.
Leonard Wang and Manjushree Shanmugasundaram
UTMB John Sealy School of Medicine
Ball High School Vaping Harm Reduction Program
Community Site: Ball High School
Site Mentor: Dr. Beth Auslander; Academic Mentor: Dr. Sharon Croisant
Leonard and Manjushree are partnering with Teen Health Center, Inc. to deliver a theory-based, evidence informed nicotine prevention program that engages youth in discussions around vaping through the use of motivational interviewing and dissonance-enhancing techniques. Ultimately, the project aims to increase student knowledge of tobacco/nicotine products and awareness of strategies used by manufacturers to engage adolescent consumers and improve their vaping refusal skills.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact Lkwang@utmb.edu or mashanmu@utmb.edu.
Drs. Katie Budolfson and Stephanie Fontin
Texas Children's Hospital (Scholar)
Community Site: Houston Angels
Academic Mentor: Dr. Rachel Keefe
Drs. Katie Budolfson and Stephanie Fontin who are working the foster care community through Houston Angels to augment their mentorship program to include components relating to health and wellbeing, beginning the program evaluation process for the Houston chapter, and revising volunteer training.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact budolfso@bcm.edu or stephanie.fontin@bcm.edu.
Drs. Sara Frese, Karina Hofstee, and Camille Scott
Texas Children's Hospital (Scholar)
"What's going on down there? - pediatricians talk sexual health"
Community Site: Teen Health Clinic- Baylor College of Medicine
Site Mentor: Dr. Meghna Raphael; Academic Mentor: Dr. Lauren Bretz
Frese, Hofstee, and Scott are addressing unmet needs in sexual and reproductive health education amongst teenagers in Texas by providing evidence-based sexual education. They are partnering with Baylor Teen Clinics to reach minority youth in areas with little access to primary care who are at risk for STIs and teenage pregnancy, which is important in our current climate of decreasing access to reproductive healthcare across the United States and especially in Texas. They aim to cover a wide range of topics including anatomy, physiology, sexual identity, sexuality, safety in relationships, contraception, and pathology.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact sara.frese@bcm.edu, karina.hofstee@bcm.edu, or camille.scott@bcm.edu.
Dr. Kelsi Morgan
Texas Children's Hospital (Scholar)
Making Strides in Social Emotional Learning
Community Site: YES Prep Public Schools
Site Mentor: Kawana Coulon; Academic Mentor: Dr. Margaret Wood
Dr. Morgan is addressing social emotional health in Houston by working with YES Prep Public Schools to implement social emotional learning curricula with students. The aim of the project is to work with at-risk students to improve social emotional health through targeted interventions, with the goal of improving students’ academic performance, classroom behavior, and self-regulation skills.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact the current Fellows leading this legacy project.
Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Zeba Bhanji
University of Houston Honors College
Project SAIID (Self-Advocacy for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities)
Community Site: Jewish Family Services
Site Mentor: Jamie Weiner; Academic Mentor: Dr. Dan Price
Zeba is addressing self-advocacy experiences in healthcare for adults with cognitive or intellectual disabilities by establishing weekly health literacy workshops that combine education about common chronic conditions and preventative measures with direct communication with healthcare providers for building community trust.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact b.zeba123@gmail.com.
Individuals with Disabilities

Hufsa Arain and Saher Khan
University of Houston Honors College
Gut HEAL: Gut Health Education for Allied Learning
Community Site: TIRR Memorial Hermann
Site Mentor: Amber Leon and Francis Hoi; Academic Mentor: Dr. Crystal Nwagwu
Hufsa and Saher are addressing gut health in patients with spinal cord injury at TIRR Memorial Hermann by establishing a “gut healthy” educational program that aims to promote awareness of the gut and its proper functions and to provide an avenue for patients to regain some form of autonomy in regard to caring for their gut health both in a hospital setting and after discharge.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact hufsaarain1@gmail.com or saherkhan0220@gmail.com.
Madeline Bonnet and Sheldon McCown
UTMB John Sealy School of Medicine
Camp PossAbilities
Community Site: Christina Sullivan Foundation
Site Mentor: Josephine Sullivan; Academic Mentor: Dr. Norman Miles Farr
Madeline and Sheldon are addressing mental and physical disabilities in Galveston by working with Camp PossAbilities in collaboration with the Christina Sullivan Foundation. They are working with student volunteers to train them on how to create adaptive equipment as well as creating relationships with the athletes by cooking with them each week. The goal is to increase physical health through sports participation and healthy cooking while simultaneously helping the participants become more confident and independent.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact msbonnet@utmb.edu or samccown@utmb.edu.
Beth Burgess and Kayla Rankin
UTHealth School of Dentistry
*TIRR to Teeth
Community Site: TIRR Memorial Hermann
Site Mentor: Anthony Kennedy; Academic Mentor: Dr. Gisela Bona
Beth and Kayla are expanding a legacy project to provide oral hygiene instructions (OHI) and hygiene tool modifications for adult and pediatric patients with traumatic brain injury and acute spinal cord injury to improve wellness and promote independence.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact bethany.n.burgess@uth.tmc.edu or kayla.m.clothier@uth.tmc.edu.
Elizabeth Rodriguez, Tanaya Pampattiwar, and Mallika Tripathy
UTHealth McGovern School of Medicine
Project S.E.E.D.
Community Site: RSVP (Rehabilitation Services Volunteer Project) Clinic and the UT Spina Bifida Clinic
Site Mentor: Dr. Sunil Kothari and Dr. Jason Au; Academic Mentor: Dr. Carolina Gutiérrez
Elizabeth, Tanaya, and Mallika are addressing the gap between resource awareness and utilization in the disability community, specifically among adult patients with brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and amputations, as well as pediatric patients with spina bifida. Volunteers will engage in 15-30 minute conversations with patients to understand the social and economic resources they are lacking to then connect them. Additionally, there are workshops for medical students to learn about topics like transferring patients from chair-to-chair to shape better caregivers in the future.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact the current Fellows leading this legacy project.
Aging and Elderly Health
![Image[1] (2).jpeg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f2171c_8d76a32c9adb4a4eaad2676260cbb460~mv2.jpeg/v1/crop/x_928,y_615,w_999,h_996/fill/w_71,h_71,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,blur_2,enc_avif,quality_auto/Image%5B1%5D%20(2).jpeg)
Geena May and Brandon Sarver
UTHealth McGovern School of Medicine
*The Alexa Project
Community Site: Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston
Site Mentor: Leslie Kian; Academic Mentor: Rebecca Lunstroth
Brandon and Geena are addressing the social determinants of health in the elderly population of the Houston community by combining Interfaith Ministries’ Meals on Wheels program with virtual assistant devices (Amazon Echo Show). This project hopes that consistent utilization of device capabilities will improve the overall health, quality of life, and isolation/depression among clients.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact brandon.m.sarver@uth.tmc.edu or geena.r.may@uth.tmc.edu.
Cara Zou and Catherine Kim
UTHealth School of Dentistry
*Music Therapy at Treemont Retirement Community
Community Site: Treemont Retirement Community
Site Mentor: Rosie Marie Lau; Academic Mentor: Dr. Ana Neumann
Cara and Catherine are addressing social isolation among the geriatric population in Treemont Retirement Community through music therapy, which can be used for improving the quality of life by stabilizing emotions, improving communication, and developing healthy coping skills.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact cara.zou@uth.tmc.edu or jinmin.kim@uth.tmc.edu.
Melissa Cruz
UTHealth School of Public Health
Strength on Wheels: Where Nutrition meets Homebound Seniors' Strength
Community Site: Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston
Site Mentor: Leslie Kian; Academic Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Schick
Melissa’s project entails evaluating the effects of a 12-week home-based exercise program on gait speed and frailty status, nutrition, loneliness, and social isolation (L/SI) in frail/pre-frail homebound older adults to be measured by an activity tracker, and bi-weekly health and wellness surveys.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact melissa.r.fellers@uth.tmc.edu.
Sujal Manohar and Oluwapelumi Oloyede
Baylor College of Medicine and University of Houston College of Medicine
*Draw YOUR Story
Community Site: St. Dominic Village Senior Care Community
Site Mentor: Alonso Martinez; Academic Mentor: Dr. Mary E. Kollmer Horton
Sujal and Pelumi are addressing loneliness and social isolation among older adults by creating a weekly art and storytelling program that was inspired by methodologies such as TimeSlips and Visual Thinking Strategies.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact the most recent Fellow(s) to lead this project.
Formerly Homeless Health

Helen Abdullah Nguyen and Nichole Hoang
UTHealth School of Public Health
*Jump Start Health
Community Site: New Hope Housing- Perry
Site Mentor: Sandra Martinez; Academic Mentor: Dr. John Wesley McWhorter and Dolores Woods
Nichole and Helen will be addressing wellness and preventative health for middle-aged residents with lower incomes at New Hope Housing through evidence-based nutrition education lessons that combine seed-to-plate microwave cooking demonstrations and a container herb garden initiative. This project strives to foster health-promoting behaviors and encourage the residents to develop agency in their nutritional behaviors and mental health.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact the current Fellows leading this legacy project.
Malika Toguem
Baylor College of Medicine
*New Hope Housing Women’s Wellness
Community Site: New Hope Housing- Reed
Site Mentor: Sandra Martinez; Academic Mentor: Dr. Milena Gould Suarez
Malika is addressing the issues surrounding women's health coming out of homelessness by continuing a women's wellness program for the residents which seeks to facilitate a safe space for women to address the concerns, conflicts, and struggles of their lives while encouraging improvement of health behaviors through visits at the Reed clinic.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact the most recent Fellow(s) to lead this project.
May Vorarath
University of Houston College of Pharmacy
*Bead WELL
Community Site: New Hope Housing- Perry
Site Mentor: Sandra Martinez; Academic Mentor: Dr. Jodie Gee
May is addressing health-related quality of life and well-being among residents with weekly beading sessions that allow them to alleviate stress and improve mental health while expressing their creativity, improving focus and dexterity.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact mvorarat@central.uh.edu.
Neha Sunkara
University of Houston Honors College
Avenues to Your Wellness
Community Site: New Hope Housing- Avenue J
Site Mentor: Sandra Martinez; Academic Mentor: Dr. John Wesley McWhorter
Neha is addressing food insecurity and chronic health disparities in Houston’s Second Ward by cultivating nutrition education workshops to empower residents to take control of their health outcomes and increase their self-confidence by incorporating existing community relations, such as Finca Tres Robles and Urban Harvest, into a workshop curriculum.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact the most recent Fellow(s) to lead this project.
Nikita Ghosh and Sanjna Tripathy
UTHealth McGovern
*Let's Talk About It
Community Site: New Hope Housing- Reed
Site Mentor: Sandra Martinez; Academic Mentor: Dr. Rebecca M. Beyda
Nikita and Sanjna are addressing sexual and mental health in Houston by establishing a mentorship program and providing tangible tools for adolescent girls who have formerly experienced homelessness to empower them to make informed and healthy decisions throughout their lives. In addition to providing a support system and a safe space, the program topics will include forming strong habits, life-skills, sexual health education, nutrition, physical activity, and mental health.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact the current Fellows leading this legacy project.
Homeless Health
Alejandro Joglar and Tsola Efejuku
UTMB John Sealy School of Medicine
*Diabetes Detection Initiative
Community Site: The Luke Society Clinic (Galveston, TX)
Site Mentor: Linda Venzke; Academic Mentor: Dr. Lee Grumbles
Alejandro and Tsola are addressing diabetes care and education for the unhoused community of Galveston, Texas by establishing a diabetes screening program at the Luke Society Clinic. Additionally, the program helps to connect patients to local organizations to access healthy, affordable food and to St. Vincent's Clinic to access affordable care.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact aajoglar@utmb.edu or taefejuk@utmb.edu.
Ashton Davis, Caitlin Aguirre, and Vanesa Ochoa
UTMB John Sealy School of Medicine
*Street Medicine Galveston
Community Site: Galveston Central Church
Site Mentor: Rev. Michael Gienger; Academic Mentor: Dr. Norma A. Pérez Raifaisen
Ashton, Caitlin, and Vanesa are addressing the physical health and social needs of the unhoused population of Galveston through Street Rounds. As they engage with the unhoused community, they plan to cultivate trustworthy relationships, refer individuals to the appropriate social resources on the island, address acute medical needs using a mobile clinic, and help alleviate the food insecurity this population often faces.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact the most recent Fellow(s) to lead this project.
Kiran Sankarappan
Texas A&M School of Medicine
Systematic Approaches to Improve the Quality of Homeless Healthcare
Community Site: C.D Doyle Clinic (Austin, TX)
Site Mentor: Jensen Gary; Academic Mentor: Dr. Diane Chico
Kiran is working with the indigent population in Camp Esperanza of Austin, Texas with aims of serving the underserved in the healthcare capacity and targeting areas of improvement in the CD Doyle Clinic.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact kiranvsankar@tamu.edu.
Shahbaz Saad and Dana Luu
Texas A&M School of Medicine
Community Site: Community First! Village (Austin, TX)
Academic Mentor: Dr. Patricia Watson
Shahbaz and Dana are addressing homeless health in Austin, Texas by collaborating with Community First (CF) to create a health navigator program that will pair residents of CF with medical students who will serve as liaisons between care providers and patients in order to identify and address barriers in the individualized care of the resident(s).
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact shahbazsaad@tamu.edu or dana.luu23@tamu.edu.
Maternal Health

Arren Simpson, Maria Uribe, Jahnvi Jain, Myra Kurjee, and Miguel Bonilla Moreno
Baylor College of Medicine and UTHealth McGovern School of Medicine
*Moms to Moms
Community Site: Ben Taub Hospital / Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital
Site Mentor: Dr. Jocelyn T. Greely; Academic Mentor: Dr. Judy Levison and Dr. Irene Stafford
The Moms to Moms Group is addressing maternal health inequities by providing education sessions to low-income and marginalized populations served at Lyndon B Johnson and Ben Taub Hospitals to improve postpartum maternal and fetal health and social wellbeing. Topics for sessions include postpartum depression, breastfeeding, contraception, nutrition, exercise, as well as financial and community resources.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact the current Fellows leading this legacy project.
Breanna Chachere, Taylor Jackson, and Zikora Stephens
University of Houston Tilman J. Fertitta Family College of Medicine
Project MatCHrescence
Community Site: UH Healthy Start
Site Mentor: Dr. McClain Sampson; Academic Mentor: Dr. LeChauncy Woodard
Breanna, Taylor, and Zikora are addressing perinatal health inequities across Houston via maternal education and peer support programs. Working under direction of the Humana Institute at the University of Houston and Healthy Start UH, they are also sharing maternal and child health resources on social media and developing an information card to be shared with patients that will aim to mitigate risks of pre-eclampsia.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact the current Fellows leading this legacy project.
Kelsie Barta
Texas Woman's University
Milk and Cookies
Community Site: Push Birth Partners
Site Mentor: Jacqueline McLeeland; Academic Mentor: Dr. Donna Scott Tilley
The aim of Kelsie’s program is to use an asset-based approach to community capacity-building through mentorship and training opportunities for community members interested in seeking future certification as lactation professionals. A goal of this project is to develop a curriculum to train breastfeeding support counselors to be mobilized in the community.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact kbarta1@twu.edu.
Royal Kelly
University of Houston Graduate School of Social Work
Moms Connect
Community Site: Any Baby Can (Austin, TX)
Site Mentor: Desiree Rodriguez and Jimena Isaza; Academic Mentor: Dr. Monit Cheung
Royal is addressing maternal social isolation in Travis County by establishing a social support group for pregnant women and new mothers living in poverty to empower them with greater self-confidence and knowledge as they navigate this new life stage. The program incorporates health and wellness activities that promote social connection between mothers, self care and maternal bonding during the fetal and early childhood stages.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact royalfrasier@gmail.com.
Refugee and Immigrant Health


Elaine Avshman and Shireen Punjabi
Texas A&M School of Medicine
Mothers First
Community Site: Hope Clinic (Austin, TX)
Site Mentor: Jodi Schrobilgen; Academic Mentor: Dr. Patricia Watson
Elaine and Shireen's project aims to teach refugee women how to take control of their own health through educational workshops and resource connections in topics such as pregnancy, prepartum care, and overall women's health.
Philip Sanusi
Texas A&M School of Public Health
Online Health Literacy Program
Community Site: Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston
Site Mentor: Lidya Ayalew; Academic Mentor: Dr. Elena Andreyeva
Philip’s project will revolve around health literacy for the Houston refugee community with aims to empower them with essential resources that can help to navigate the American healthcare system while also building a healthier refugee community.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact psanusi22@gmail.com.
Tammy Tran, Thai Tran, and Vyshnavi Davuluri
University of Houston Honors College
*Operation Fusion
Community Site: Amaanah (Avenida de Las Americas Newcomer School)
Site Mentor: Megan Bucher; Academic Mentor: Dr. Dan Price
Tammy, Thai, and Vyshnavi aim to impact refugee and immigrant youth at Las Americas Newcomer School by continuing the Operation Fusion program, which seeks to fuse culture and health through education and empowerment. This program places a specific emphasis on celebrating each student’s personal cultures, identity, and experiences for the fusion of self, home culture, American culture, and health without sacrificing any individual components.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact tran.tammy09@gmail.com, thai.tran102401@gmail.com, or vyshdavulu@gmail.com.
Ahad Azimuddin and Celine Lee
Texas A&M School of Medicine
Refugee Resource Hub
Community Site: Amaanah Refugee Service
Site Mentor: Maria de Grazia; Academic Mentor: Dr. Susan Miller
Ahad and Celine address refugee health in Central Houston by establishing culturally responsive and educational workshops for newly settled refugees. Alongside Amaanah Refugee Services’ Big Sister Circle Program, the project will empower refugee women to overcome post-migration resettlement challenges with workshops that cover English language courses, first aid classes, physical and mental health, healthcare system navigation, financial planning, and resource management.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact ahad.azimuddin@tamu.edu or celineclee@gmail.com.
Jasmine Chaij and Yara Samman
UTMB John Sealy School of Medicine
Migrant Health and Advocacy
Community Site: Hope Clinic FQHC
Site Mentor: Dr. Andrea Caracostis; Academic Mentor: Dr. Hani Serag
Jasmine and Yara intend to serve the migrant community of the Greater Houston Area by tackling the main obstacles that the migrant population have in receiving primary care and ensuring they establish a relationship with the HOPE clinic.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact jmchaij@utmb.edu or ybsamman@utmb.edu.
Vulnerable Communities Health



Fatima Muili
Texas Southern University
Sight Rite Project
Community Site: Prevent Blindness Texas
Site Mentor: Monica Guerrero; Academic Mentor: Dr. Veronica Ajewole
Fatima's project aims to work with Prevent Blindness and organize health fairs to improve vision care targeting community groups, academic institutions, and religious communities through their worship centers.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact f.muili1867@student.tsu.edu.
Isabel Kilroy and Patricia Guzman
UTHealth McGovern Medical School
Kwentuhan and Community
Community Site: Philippine Community Center of Houston
Site Mentor: Carol P. Tulud; Academic Mentor: Dr. Rodeo Abrencillo
Isabel and Patricia are addressing the mental health burden on Filipino nurses in Houston by establishing a series of narrative medicine-based workshops, which are designed to build community and allow participants a creative and culturally sensitive outlet to decompress and mitigate burnout. The program seeks to destigmatize mental health among the Filipino community and to uplift and memorialize the stories of Filipino nurses during a time of unprecedented burnout for healthcare workers.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact isabel.s.kilroy@uth.tmc.edu or patricia.guzman@uth.tmc.edu.
Jyotsna Devi Godavarthi
Texas Southern University
*Vaccine Hesitancy and General Health Equity: Addressing The Gap
Community Site: East Harris County Empowerment Council
Site Mentor: Christina Alley; Academic Mentor: Dr. Ivy Poon
Jyotsna is addressing vaccine hesitancy in East Harris County by establishing a training program for predominantly Spanish-speaking minority populations, especially those with young children and small business owners, to not only get more comfortable getting vaccinated, but also to teach others about COVID-19 testing and vaccination.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact jyotsna1689@gmail.com.
Meghan Mallya
UTMB John Sealy School of Medicine
Psychopharmacology for Primary Care
Community Site: St. Vincent’s Clinic
Site Mentor: John Davis; Academic Mentor: Dr. Transon Nguyen
Meghan is addressing inaccessibility to psychiatric treatment in Galveston by working with primary care providers (PCPs) to increase their comfort with diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions. Ultimately, the program will aim not only to foster positive attitudes related to management of behavioral health in PCPs, but also to strengthen relationships between PCPs and psychiatrists and increase access to timely mental health care.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact memallya@utmb.edu.
Shadhi Mansoori
UTHealth School of Public Health
The Mindful Movement Project
Community Site: Angela House
Site Mentor: Sarah Mabry; Academic Mentor: Dr. Rebecca Beyda
Shadhi is addressing a need for physical fitness and mindfulness activities at Angela House by creating a yoga and meditation class for residents. The goal of the class is to teach residents healthy coping skills and improve their self-confidence to engage in physical activity.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact shadhi.n.mansoori@uth.tmc.edu.
Maya Guhan
Baylor College of Medicine
Building Self Efficacy Amongst the Incarcerated: Social Resources Education at the Harris County Jail
Community Site: Harris County Jail
Site Mentor: Jennifer Herring; Academic Mentor: Dr. Marc Robinson
Maya is addressing the challenges associated with securing appropriate healthcare and social resource funding faced by members in the reentry program of the Harris County Jail through an education program to improve their self-efficacy in their ability to thrive once released from the jail.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact maya.guhan@bcm.edu.
Chelsea Nguyen and Jasmine Liu-Zarzuela
UTMB John Sealy School of Medicine
STV PAP Programs
Community Site: St. Vincent’s Clinic (Galveston, TX)
Site Mentor: Nathan Smith; Academic Mentor: Dr. Norman Miles Farr
Chelsea and Jasmine help St. Vincent’s patients access their medications by advocating for them and aiding them in navigating Patient Assistance Programs which are programs run by pharmaceutical companies that provide free medications to eligible patients.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact chelnguy@utmb.edu or jaliuzar@utmb.edu.
Shari Esquenazi-Karonika
UTHealth School of Public Health
Flower Power
Community Site: Jewish Family Services
Site Mentor: Dr. Ada Cheung; Academic Mentor: Dr. Melissa Peskin
Shari is coordinating floral arrangement workshops as icebreakers at Jewish Family Service Houston’s support groups and mental health workshops to help participants to feel more comfortable engaging in dialogue about suicide prevention/depression, domestic abuse, and parenting.
If interested in continuing/expanding this project, please contact shari.esquenazi-karonika@uth.tmc.edu.