Schweitzer Scholars Application
This application is only for Texas Children's Hospital pediatric residents and fellows. Scholar applications are due by March 30th. Please click on the icon to the right to access the Academic and Mentor Onboarding Guide which you can share with your proposed mentors. This will give them all the information they need about their role.
Project Information
1. Please describe the social problem (ecosystem and root causes) and target population you wish to impact with your proposed community service project, including demographic information. (suggested word count: 150)
Proposed community agency or school.
2. Please describe your proposed community service project, including project goals and the actions you will take to meet these goals, and anticipated outputs. Applicants applying as a pair should discuss the role of each partner. In this description, please include the name of your proposed community agency/school/partner. (Suggested word count: 200)
3. Describe the avenues you will explore to sustain the project beyond your time as a Scholar. Please note that while it is helpful, simply having a new Scholar take over is not a comprehensive sustainability plan. (Suggested word count: 100)
4. How will you evaluate the project to determine whether your goals were met? How will you know if your project has been successful or verify your results?
Note: Please email the Mentor Onboarding Guide to your proposed Site and Academic Mentors. It is available for download here .
Proposed Site Mentor with email address:
Proposed Academic Mentor with email address:
Personal and Professional Information
What is your motivation for applying to the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship? Please consider your service project, the ways in which your participation as a Schweitzer Scholar would be meaningful to your personal and professional development, and how you see staying involved in the Fellowship or living out the ideals of the Fellowship once you are an FFL.
Describe any previous experiences you have working on community-based projects and/or with community partners.
Please upload your CV as a PDF.
Please upload your headshot. If selected to serve as a Schweitzer Fellow, I will commit to the following (Please select all boxes to indicate that you agree.)
I have discussed this with my Program Director:
If you do not receive a confirmation email within an hour, please email .